Introductions of 1060nm diode laser machines

With our revolutionary, lipo laser machines, unwanted fat cells can be safely and effectively eliminated in just 25 minutes per treatment.

Now you can offer your patients non-invasive body contouring that permanently reduces stubborn fat without surgery or downtime. Lipo laser machines are the world’s first approved laser devices for non-invasive lipolysis of the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs, and sub-chin area.


Here is the content list:

●How can lipo laser machines work?

●Why do you choose 1060nm diode laser slimming?


How can lipo laser machines work?

The exceptional affinity of the 1060 nm wavelength for fatty tissue, combined with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows lipo laser machines to effectively treat troubled fatty areas in just 25 minutes per treatment. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the damaged fat cells, with results seen in as little as 6 weeks, with optimal results typically seen in as little as 12 weeks.

①Minimal absorption in the dermis leaves the skin surface unharmed.

②Advanced Contact Cooling improves patient comfort.

③The feathering of heat diffusion provides natural results.

④Mild and transient side effects.


Why HS-851 12.16do you choose 1060nm diode laser slimming?

The primary mechanism of action of the 1060nm diode laser slimming is heating, which increases the local catabolic rate of fat cells. This increase in heat breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol, which are then transported out of the cells via fatty acid transport proteins. They then enter the bloodstream and bind to albumin, allowing them to be transported throughout the body and metabolized by the cells as needed. Increasing the temperature of adipose tissue from 42°C to 47°C triggers tissue damage and inflammatory response within 5 minutes of heating. Previous investigations have shown that temperatures between 42°C and 47°C using a 1060nm diode laser slimming and surface cooling can achieve and maintain C in subcutaneous adipose tissue while minimally targeting melanin, allowing this device to be used on all skin types. Over the course of 6 to 12 weeks, the body’s immune response eliminates cellular debris at the end of the apoptotic process. the 1060nm diode laser slimming can target fat in the subcutaneous tissue, thereby reducing unwanted subcutaneous fat while protecting the overlying dermal tissue. Results can be seen at 6 weeks after treatment, and the process is complete at about 12 weeks after treatment.


The use of a 1060 nm diode laser to achieve high thermal temperatures within adipose tissue and subsequent lipolysis is one of the latest advances in the field and the first study of its kind. The wavelength has been carefully selected to effectively target unwanted fat cells while protecting the overlying skin and attachments. Promising results can be obtained after a single treatment, results that are comparable to other non-invasive techniques. The 25-minute procedure of a 1060 nm diode laser is well tolerated by patients and requires no downtime. This versatile system allows for the treatment of multiple body sites and can be customized to meet the needs of specific patients. Here, we discuss in detail the mechanism of action, efficacy, safety, and security of 1060 nm diode high-temperature laser lipolysis. Our website: . If you are interested in lipo laser machines, you can tell us.